I had a conversation the other day, that I have had many times before in various degrees of heated arguments.
The question is;
"What colour is my hair?"
OK. OK, just hear me out!
The thing is, the answer I get is NEVER the same. It ranges from Brown, to Ginger to Strawberry Blonde!
(I remember one of my Junior School teachers telling me it was Auburn, when we were working on a project 'All About Me', but as I discovered that I couldn't spell it, I just wrote Red,)
This time though, there was an agreement from two people.
Apparently my hair is Strawberry Blonde.
I do NOT agree, but I thought that it was worth investigating.
I discovered that there is no clear idea as to what colour a Strawberry Blonde actually is. Both Debra Messing and Sienna Miller are both referred to as Strawberry Blondes and they are as different as night and day!
So I think the answer is that some people will continue to use that term and I will continue to deny it!
Ah well, at least I did not have to deal with the 'hate crimes' that were carried out against red-headed children last month!
An Update
9 years ago