Saturday, 27 December 2008

The Big Question

I had a conversation the other day, that I have had many times before in various degrees of heated arguments.
The question is;
"What colour is my hair?"

OK. OK, just hear me out!

The thing is, the answer I get is NEVER the same. It ranges from Brown, to Ginger to Strawberry Blonde!
(I remember one of my Junior School teachers telling me it was Auburn, when we were working on a project 'All About Me', but as I discovered that I couldn't spell it, I just wrote Red,)

This time though, there was an agreement from two people.

Apparently my hair is Strawberry Blonde.

I do NOT agree, but I thought that it was worth investigating.

I discovered that there is no clear idea as to what colour a Strawberry Blonde actually is. Both Debra Messing and Sienna Miller are both referred to as Strawberry Blondes and they are as different as night and day!

So I think the answer is that some people will continue to use that term and I will continue to deny it!

Ah well, at least I did not have to deal with the 'hate crimes' that were carried out against red-headed children last month!

Sunday, 21 December 2008


Well, THIS is why I came to Canada!!!!!!
I have been reliably informed that for Vancouver to get as much of the white stuff as we have had in the last week, is incredibly unusual. I think it must be because I am here! I am happy to take any thanks or blame that the general population feels appropriate. I am just sooooooo pleased that it is here!!
I love the way that, even in the middle of the night, it is still so bright outside, with all the lights reflecting off of the white ground, and the sky is an erie pinky/orange. It is so beautiful, and the whole world looks clean and fresh.
Unfortunately, it is not quite so much fun when it has half melted, and the roads are sheets of ice! Walking to and from work is interesting! I keep doing wobbly slips as I go along! I must work on my balance!
The first day I was just like a little kid and threw snowballs till my hands went numb!

Friday, 5 December 2008

Fashion Design Open House

Yesterday afternoon, I went to Kawantlen University for the open house put on by the fashion students there. The fourth years had their portfolios out, and they were all pretty fabulous!
Rachel had, as part of hers, the 'Beauty And The Beast' photos, from when she made the costumes for the show.
I loved it! They were just about PERFECT!

Unlike the photo I saw of the production that is coming to Vancouver this week! Shame.
For the two other productions of this how that I have seen, the costumes were right, so I hope that what I saw were just rehearsal costumes.
Anyway, Rachel's were great, which is the main thing!

Unfortunately I had to go to work after looking at the portfolios etc, so I couldn't be there in the evening when there were to be 'refreshments and carolers' , so I was told!

Tuesday, 2 December 2008


I made a ribbon picture the other day! Just for a change!


And finished!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
As well as getting the board and ribbons to actually make the thing, I had to keep going back out to buy the other things that I had forgotten! Hooks, stapler, nails and a hammer!!! Who knew there were so many things I would need! I had to buy a screwdriver the other day!

My upstairs neighbours went away last week (to Mexico I think), and they asked me to collect their post for them, which I did. Today they came round and gave me a thank-you card and a wind chime! Well! A 'thank you' would have been sufficient! But it was very nice all the same!
