Sunday, 21 December 2008


Well, THIS is why I came to Canada!!!!!!
I have been reliably informed that for Vancouver to get as much of the white stuff as we have had in the last week, is incredibly unusual. I think it must be because I am here! I am happy to take any thanks or blame that the general population feels appropriate. I am just sooooooo pleased that it is here!!
I love the way that, even in the middle of the night, it is still so bright outside, with all the lights reflecting off of the white ground, and the sky is an erie pinky/orange. It is so beautiful, and the whole world looks clean and fresh.
Unfortunately, it is not quite so much fun when it has half melted, and the roads are sheets of ice! Walking to and from work is interesting! I keep doing wobbly slips as I go along! I must work on my balance!
The first day I was just like a little kid and threw snowballs till my hands went numb!

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