Friday 10 July 2009


I saw an OWL on the way home tonight! I was so excited! I have never seen one in the wild before! I have seen tame ones many times of course.
It was sitting on a telephone wire over my road. I stopped right underneath it and we studied each other for a long time till I was the one who broke eye-contact.
I think it was a Barn Owl, but I cannot be sure as it was dark.

(No, I did NOT take this picture!!!!!!)
I have seen lots of new animals since I have been in Canada now I think about it. An Eagle, Raccoons, Seals, and now an Owl!
Oh, and we can't forget more Rats than I care to think about! The other night I had two charge me! One swerved just as it reached me, but the other dashed straight between my legs!
I'd like to say that they were more afraid of me than I was of them, but I really don't think that that is true!!!

1 comment:

The Chatty Housewife said...

Oh my goodness, RATS? Close enough to charge you and run between your legs? Eww. What in the world? That's disgusting!
