Saturday, 4 October 2008


This afternoon, I put out the rubbish / recycling to be collected on Monday morning, as I will be away until Sunday night, and it will be too dark and scary to do it when I get back.
As I took it out, I noticed a big black bird (a crow, maybe?) across the road watching me. I then forgot about him and carried on bringing out the bins etc. Once I had finished and was back inside the house, I happened to look out of the living room window and saw that the crow had ALREADY gotten the lid off of the bin and was pecking away at the bag inside trying to get at the rubbish!!
So..... out I marched, picked up the lid, and pushed it back on as hard as I could. (It doesn't fit very well.)
But, by the time I had got back to the house, 'Mortimer' and his wife had hopped back up and were ready to have another pop at it!
Then I realised that if I moved each of the bins far enough away from each other, then they wouldn't have anything to balance on as they tried to remove the lid.
This seemed to have worked as I saw them hop around the bins for a bit and then lose interest.

BUT. Five minutes later I looked out and saw that Mr and Mrs were back - with a friend too don't you know, the lid was on the floor and they were getting stuck in big time!

In the end I gave in and brought the bin right back up to my front door.
Sigh. Outwitted by a crow. :-(

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